Days on site

Get it done with a day’s support

From newsletters to website tweaks – tick off those jobs that need doing

Alison Bradford's new homepage website design by TukTuk Creative MarketingAlison Bradford's homepage website design before her new website with TukTuk Creative Marketing

You know what you need – but you have no idea when to do them, how to do them or which one to do first.

The days on-site package allows you to list all of the marketing to dos that you want to start, finish and tweak. Together we can work out the priority order and start to get them ticked off – with not a single email landing in your inbox.

Working on-site with you and your team means that you can see things on my screen, suggest teaks fill in any gaps there and then, meaning that there is no delay and email tennis to complete a simple task.

The services page on the Helena Davies Financial Services website redesign shown on a laptop computer

What tasks can we do? 

You don’t need all the answers. The joy of having me on site is you can tell me what’s stored in your head and I can help you discover the best route to get you there. It may be simpler than you think – after all, you are the expert in your field.

  • Email newsletters – design and send
  • Canva graphics for social media
  • Generate blog ideas
  • Ebook / digital resources
  • Customer journey improvement
  • Creation of website pages
  • Website changes
  • Marketing ideas
  • Graphic design
  • Marketing landing pages
  • Content creation via Chat GPT or briefing into a content writer
  • CRM integrations
  • Bespoke contact forms
  • Much more

These are just some ideas to whet your appetite – if I can add value to your business with other things then let’s have a chat. If I can’t do it – I will probably know someone who can.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started

Mark Twain

Website user engaging in website chat

How to get started

Let’s have a chat and see if a day on-site is right for your business. We can discuss what’s on your to-do list and if I can assist. It may be that you could benefit from WordPress website training instead of paying for someone to tick off the tasks.

Once you know I am the right fit – we can look at avalibility and book you in. On the day, I will arrive at 9.30am, with my laptop in hand ready to work through the tasks.