C2 Connecting Communities website design

About This Project

What We Did

We delivered a website, but alongside that we were invited on a journey by C2 to discover how they could reach more communities with the C2 7-Step Pathway.

From health issues to anti social behaviour C2 empowers communities to build relationships with providers to create a self-renewing framework for on-going, lasting improvement. Benefitting residents and multiple sectors simultaneously, with Police, Housing, Health and Education all seeing improvements in the area where the 7-Step Pathway is implemented.

With the C2 7-Step Pathway lending itself to so many avenues it was clear that, while the budget was limited, the team needed to be able to access potential partners in new ways. So, we suggested they create a podcast series to bring a handful of their amazing community stories to life and so they worked with Charlotte Foster Podcasts to create 5 episodes within the website budget.

Along the journey TukTuk’s web designer Vicky Stanaway attended a two-day fundraising strategy meeting in Exeter where she was able to bring ideas to the table from a new perspective.

As well as the standard pages on the website it also includes case studies with details of some of the communities that C2 has worked alongside, a news section to highlight what is happening and a section to showcase the amazing research they do in partnership with the University of Exeter.


Reflecting on the website design project Hazel from C2 Connecting Communities said:

Why did you choose TukTuk?

We chose TukTuk because we were recommended by a trusted source, ie a group of community developers that we’ve worked with and mentored for several years. We saw their website and felt they were the right provider for us. Meeting Vicky in person confirmed this as she had right combination of vision, energy and enthusiasm.



They always ‘bent over backwards’ to make sure we were happy with the end product.


What were your concerns when choosing a company to provide website design and development?

We wanted a we designer who ‘got’ our approach which is multi-faceted, dynamic and very different from mainstream provision. We needed website design that reflected the energy of the approach with text and visuals matching the dynamism of our brand and what it offers.


Have you received feedback regarding your website design?

Feedback on the website and visuals and layout has been overwhelmingly positive from service providers, academics and community residents.


What could have been done different?

Not a lot. Half way through design process various events and changes within the organisation meant that a redesign was needed but Vicky & TukTuk coped well with this and accepted delay. In fact they always ‘bent over backwards’ to make sure we were happy with the end product.


Describe TukTuk in three words.

Creative, visionary, enthusiastic & fun (sorry 4 words!).





Hazel Stuteley - C2 Connecting Communities

Who they are

C2 is a people-focused community empowerment learning programme that enables communities nationwide to increase control over their lives and their neighbourhoods, to positively transform their health and social status. There is one goal – to create a better place to live and work for residents and their support services.

Web design